

stošest pesama o ljubavi

KRUGOVANKA - Ring-a-by


Ni juče
ni sutra
slutim samo tren

tu si
i opet kraj.


Not yesterday
not tomorrow
just an instant’s inkling.

I am
you are
and again the end.



Šta me to obasjava
kada duša odlazi
i leto je prošlo?

Kome se to vraćam
kada nemam
ni tebe ni sebe?

Zar ću opet
paliti začarane svetiljke
i san na tuđe prizore navoditi?


What can cast light on me
Now the soul is leaving and summer’s over?

Who can I come back to
now I have neither
you nor myself?

Shall I light another
magic lantern to shine
dream on another’s image?



Kada se oči
i zaustave
onda mi reci
što ti je u grlu stala.

kao da sam izbegla smrt
kao da smo se
opet prepoznali.

It’ll be

When our eyes
meet and merge
then tell me the word
stuck in your throat.

It,ll be as if
I’d just missed death
as if we,d just met
and recognised each other.



Daruj me
veselom pesmo

večernjim ushitom
ptice u letu

milenom rečju
od iskona

tanani stručak
u nedrima izrašće.

Grant me

Grant me the gift
of glad song

of a bird soaring
in evening glory

of the darling word
of genesis

till its fine stem
in my breast.



Dok osluškujem lišće
na ovom uznemirenom
podnevnom vetru
na vrh Oplenca
i gledam preko vinograda
sa bezbroj mršavih
suvih i krivih ruku
kako se spliće loza
ponavljam u sebi reči
koje su me pratile
i pomagale da preživim.
Trudim se da ne zaboravim
ni onu najtišu
izrečenu napola
jer reč vraća glas i mesto
odmotava vreme unazad
i čini me čuvarkom
gospodaricom darova
koji su samo za mene spremani.

On Oplenac Hill

As I listen to the leaves
on this restless noon wind
at the top of Oplenac Hill
and look down over the vineyards
with all their countless
parched, twisted, bony hands,
and see how the vines intertwine,
again I repeat in myself the words
that have always followed me
and helped me survive.
I strive never to forget
even the faintest of them,
even those half uttered,
for the word restores
the voice and the place,
unwinds time backwards,
confirms me as guardian
and mistress of gifts
prepared for myself alone.
